While some where urging Eazzy to just take her outfit off, in new photos she shared from her ‘Burning Love’ video up on facebook, others have also condemned the singer on why she should show all that skin. The singer has also been blamed of trying to copy Kim Kardashian and Beyonce.
Is the photo pictured above in this post that bad?
Well i managed to gather comments from some of her fans who felt her dressing was just bad.
Comments below..
Awo Abena : “Eazzy…. This is bad…I really love you and your music but my dear, if you allow this so called western cultures deceive you, then you gonna go down with fans not liking you anymore …this attire ain’t working for me…why, are you Kim or beyonce for met awards… This is nakedness koraa ooo”
Elorm Ama: “Stop copying Kim Kardashian nd Beyoncé……be urself. GH stars love copying too much”
Solomon Emrys Infarred : “yeah b) naked preko eeeh”
This last but not least comment was quite harsh though. Read below as Eazzy’s melons are referred to as ‘fallen breasts’
Amaama Adamu: “Going completly naked would hv been better…mtcheeww with ur fallen breast!”
Amaama Adamu: “Going completly naked would hv been better…mtcheeww with ur fallen breast!”
What do you think? Express yourself by commenting below.. What do you think about the outfit designed by Deborah Vanessa?
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