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My success on TV does not rely solely on my curves-Peace Hyde

Voluptuous TV host, Peace Hyde was on the e.TV’s The Late Night Celebrity Show and debunked the idea that ladies in the arts success largely relied on their looks.

The host cum actress who is now shooting for continental TV series Shuga revealed she grew up watching Jackie Appiah and Yvonne Nelson.

“I love Jackie Appiah and Yvonne Nelson. I grew up watching them. Especially Yvonne Nelson when she played a character in Princess Tyra. I was so obsessed with the acting thing since then.

On the notion that most female TV personalities were successful because of their looks the Peace Hyde said;

“I feel it’s about how one handles themselves as a package. One person will see you and go like “Oh my God I really love you” all because of what they see on their screen so I can say it’s down to looks. But we just have to realize if you are behind the camera for a TV program or acting you have to talk. If you tune into my shows you will notice I talk on the show.

“I don’t just sit down and pose for the camera the entire show so I kind of get the idea you have to look a certain way but I feel you have to have a passion for improving yourself and do the best that you can. It’s unfair to say it’s down to looks because there’s so many amazing artistes in our industry that are doing amazing things and it’s not because of how they look. But how engaging they are when you watch them.

The Late Nite Celebrity Show hosted by Giovani airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9.30PM.


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